Tr. Carmen Giménez Smith and Zachary de los Dolores


Soy un hombre.
He construido un templo
donde mi virilidad no tiene límites.
Cinco vírgenes me rodean
de día las desnudo al contemplarlas
de noche cubro sus cuerpos
con mi semen angustioso y renovado.
Esta necesidad
me viene de muy niño:
cuando intentaba soñar
me despertaban los gemidos
de mi madre y de su amante.
Pero soy un hombre.
Que nadie se atreva
a profanar mis reinos.

                                                            (Memorias de Electra, 1984)



I am a man,
who built a temple
where my virility is limitless.
Five virgins surround me
at daylight I undress and ogle them
during the night I cover their bodies
with my cum, anguished and anew.
This need
originates in my childhood:
while trying to dream
I was awoken by the moans
of my mother and her lover.
But I am a man.
I dare anyone to 
desecrate my kingdoms.

Somos este tiempo inconstante
en que nada nos posee
y lanzamos nuestras crines desnudas
al acaso.
Un insecto azul y blando
me persigue / lo contemplo
y he perdido un cuarto de minuto
de mi vida.
Menudo ejercicio, la rutina.
Menudos los reflejos de las sombras
la torpeza de estas aguas
sin ningún cadáver varado
a sus orillas.
Sobre mis antiguos poemas
me arrojo y lloro.

                                                (Memorias de Electra, 1984)

We are this inconstant time
in which nothing possesses us
and so we toss our nude manes
to the what if.
A tender blue insect
pursues me / I contemplate it
and so lose a quarter- minute
of my life.
The routine is trifling praxis.
Meaningless the shadows’ reflections,
the awkwardness of these waters
and not a single corpse stranded
on its banks.
On my old poems 
I sprawl and weep.

Peruvian poet and translator Mariela Dreyfus is the author of seven poetry books, published together in the volume Gravedad: Poemas reunidos (Artepoética, 2017). She currently teaches poetry and literary translation at New York University in the MFA in Creative Writing in the Spanish program.

Carmen Giménez Smith is the publisher of Noemi Press and an English professor at Virginia Tech, Her poetry collection Be Recorder from Graywolf Press was shortlisted for the National Book Award in 2019 and in 2018 she published Cruel Futures in the City Lights Spotlight Series.

Zachary de los Dolores is a poet, translator and Spanish professor at Windward Community College in Oahu. He edited Kloaka: antología poética (Amargord, 2014). Zachary has published the poetry collections Robos, Setas & Sombras (Huerga & Fierro, 2014) and Termites: the illegal occupation of paradise (Hesterglock Press, 2018). His latest collection is Beyond Heroin (Hesterglock Press, 2020).