Today’s literature needs an INTERVENTION: The world is ending. One must empty time and (re)cognize that which has been exhausted—the obsolete—to see that, from now on, we need not, nor can we, nor do we want to think ourselves as so so so many have already. What interests us is salvaging the intensities of writing, (re)thinking where we are writing from, where we are reading from, rethinking what we are. We firmly believe that it is urgent to (re)flect critically so that those who read (re)flect critically, too. We dream of the following:
- Yes to intensity, not to sensationalism. Intensity is vibration from form, it is the language that likewise speaks from out of the manner in which it speaks. Sensationalism tires, bores, and cloys because it is only interested in content; it feels empty.
- Critical thought. LITERATURE THAT MAKES ONE THINK and that leaves one thinking. Far from the perepetuation of discourses, intensivist literature dismantles them.
- APERTURE of identities and categories. NO IDENTITY IS FIXED: the (re)presentations that we like attend to complex identities and their tensions.
- Breaking borders: of language, geopolitics, and thought.
- The ludic and, at times, even the absurd.
- The texture that language gives which is dares to upset syntax.
What follows irritates and angers us:
- Literature that is written as a product for mass consumption, especially the poetry that is fabricated to go viral, to get simple applause.
- Literature that forgets form, that doesn’t play with language and uses it solely as a means to an end.
- Literature that can be easily reduced to an adjective doesn’t interest us.
- The stiff seriousness and delirium of greatness. Today, no work that is written with the objective of being the Great Work can arrive at being one.
We propose:
- That literature challenge editorial classificaition; that it be everything and nothing at the same time. That it be irreducible to whatever label.
- Exercises of archaeology: one has to seek in the past thing that VIBRATE. Like Pound, one must make a paideuma.
- WE PROBLEMATIZE AUTHORSHIP: Ultimately, although it may be done in secret, the entire world is cited in itself. We celebrate the influences and we accept the ideas that do not emerge from spontaneous generation.
- WE ADMIRE the strident intensity of the Stridentists, of the Infrarealists, of the Crack. We also love Vallejo, Campobello, Rulfo, Ulises Carrión, Fabre, Girondo, Adela Fernández, Emiliano González, Gervitz, Josefina Vicens, and Hugo Gola and his magazine Poesía y Poética.
- To explore different MATERIAL PLATFORMS: from the book/object to virtual poems.
- Eternal life to the INDEPENDENT PUBLISHERS
- WE NEED WRITING FROM AI (Affective Intelligence).
Intensivistas (grupo de Vanguardias IBERO [Mexico])
Ana Herrera, Dafne Villagómez, Ximena Hutton, Karla Balcázar, Ricardo Quiroz, Tania Favela