mitosis ***** meiosis all blue
children :::::::::: what are the blessings
{{{hexagonal nest inside the inside of time}}}
so be blesst & moan scorn earth mite dust you today
might rise up to greet you :::::: some lizard
in your own brain blue &
beautiful []

source: Earth; format: Dust; the Mind Hydrogen all Fatty
Acids of thought blooms branches rots so boil
down the time-stored sugars ::: release it

optimal: Yield

[of strawberries, for
example, which
were just now

[of raspberries, in the
green crates, shipped]

[in the green fields below
the mountains, irrigated
in the 1500 thousand year
drought, picked
by the hands of people
with families the
long hours duration in the
sun or snow, their
repetitive motions]

[stored in the

{{{ the process of combining :: extract & recombining
[yet a fragment of the true self exists...] sugar in the candied
orange slices---> sugar beets grown in Minnesota----->
“The US harvested 1,004,600 acres (406,547 ha) of sugar beets in 2008”
sugar on the highways, sugar in the airplanes : the red sun going around the
earth always setting : held up to the glowing color : }}}

cell; Division; long-as-time,,,, singing
its single singing song * at least
the lizard doesn’t mine diamonds, leaves
its tail behind & grows a new one, this time
bluer and more beautiful all meat
-----> glucose the shining
sugar of my mandible soul

should we let it : escape?


“sugar became architectural” :: hive-mind ::
electrical conduit along the glucose strands, in my minds eye
electrodes burn through a medium [] branching lightning ::: : times lasso &
lightning rod & star crosst wires :: sparks from the grinding wheel bounce
on concrete : a crystal matrix :: bound molecules set in place;; a soul ()
[is or is not the sound of breaking] amniotic; genomic; corridors as long as
time, traffic-lights on the superhighways of time in time-lapse :: brace yourself:
ones own [heart]] mind]]] in my souls eye turning, tuning, flowing, blooming,
branching, breaking off—

sanctimonious : sacrosanct :
ants in the sap :ants in my minds eye [] to be shared : sugar is to be shared[]
>>>>>>2 protect the fragile brain [] one egg [] gas up the truck
& another morning.

solar flare on the other side of heavens brutal eye, today, the email newsletter
some piece of space trash which has just
crashed into the moon, in the 21st century hold out
your hand I will give you a gift close
your eyes; close your eyes hold
out your hand crash
of atom on atom
electron repulsive
force of us, bodies in motion
will have rest, have rest, will--


“weaponizing the information space”

optimal sugar intake : ratio of pleasure ;

[# of seeds : {inverse ratio} : chance of survival]
(dandelion, rabbit, wild mustard, lizard egg, human infant) : mothering

ungenetic inheritance (pottery, music, nuclear fusion, taste?)

weapons grade ballistic missiles built into the system

and cold fish spawn in the salty sea

how fragile love is : just chemicals pushing us around on the surface of the
earth and yet and yet

drop the blue glass ball, kick it, ejecta of a thousand worlds
what one might wring from
the world; the world ; what else

: here : but wait!

there are holes in the very network between us
the electrodes burn through the glucose substrate like lightning, branching,
fanning out strands of the glowing void: you call your mother or
friend, or lover, touch the keypad, send a text— satellites stitch the world with
this [] angels [] of our nature


O god, says the sun, I wish
I could close my one big eye,

nightly : as wounds close : so too,
so too, if— as if—

as if there was a healing element to the universe, which is of living things,
of which we are, for a while— as if the world stitched itself to itself, the sky to
the sea, the creek to the corridor of trees, the highway to the heavens above
stitched up with all those transmission poles, the wires that thread us to the
world, the portal of void between each attempt at speaking, a mutual and
surrounding awareness propagating in each silence

<<on the video the raccoon dips cotton candy in a pool of water to wash it and
it instantly dissolves. distraught, the racoon swirls the water around looking for
where it went >> rewind it back & watch it again [] whole universe, soft
filaments : evolved hands

Jane says we are damned from that first
grand gesture she said language I said fire

but honestly I think it was earlier
the silverback gorillas gaze at the sunset, kill
other males, females, young, love
their babies, play, etc.


between the meiotic sea, & me a chasm opens, gulf or maw
its shining tooth, its grin, knowing noise not once but always, always near,
sugar in the grin of time, shining strands of it, harvests us, acidic rain that eats
the earth, renders sweet and whittles fat, what we ask of time, halfway between
the windowsill and prayer, small child whose hand is held through time,
crossing the wide street of time, where are you going? who is it that is holding
your hand? all the eyes in all the world, the impulse to witness, to hold. the
finch who knows laughter. the crocus who knows spring. whose lineage is that
of all crocuses and also of all things. I am going into a new dimension, the
child says. somewhere in the interlocking gears of time, the engine shakes
itself awake. how can I show you a place? a new and different place, than

in lieu of laughter, you can feed the soul sugar
in lieu of love, one can always pray


“beam-width on the sky / [equates] [specific] field of view” : DNA umbilicus
“twice the diameter of the solar system” “a very thin thread” Lord,
grant me the serenity : the tuning fork of the universe is ringing in my ears
at what age will you need glasses : a plate of glass between you and the world
I don’t know how to make glass : is it made from sand? your eyeballs
in the womb
of your mother
a pregnant person
has four eyeballs
for a while what
do you think
about that? the bite
pattern of your
ancestors inscribed
in your teeth. so bless
the sweet
apple, and fall. there is
no grief when you
are a rock before gravity
was discovered, even the sun
light floated in space, beautiful
as jellyfish, useless
as prayer.

“inversely proportional
to the square
of the

distance between
their centers”
the horseshoe crabs spawn
on the beaches there are bombs
falling today
they say on the news how
long does it take
to grow one
tree 13.8
billion years that’s
how long.

we all know that god has a favorite.

Cody-Rose Clevidence is the author of BEAST FEAST (2014) and Flung/Throne (2018), both from Ahsahta Press, Listen My Friend This is the Dream I Dreamed Last Night from The Song Cave and Aux Arc / Trypt Ich from Nightboat, as well as several handsome chapbooks (flowers and cream, NION, garden door press, Auric).  They live in the Arkansas Ozarks with their excellently named animals.