the only place for gold
is piled in the street

that’s why the kids
paint rainbows there


you can hear the vines
if you listen 

chanting whose streets
our streets

abundant as mint
tireless as ivy

while we fuck around
going extinct

quit speaking English
to the plants


at the base of every palm
a crumpled colonizer

everyone and their dog
stops here to pee

the trees are stronger
the trees will win


what we did to the birds
and their baths was bad

a curtain on which the sun
makes love is good

it can be conceived
but not described

the longer I look at it
the longer I look at it


dusk throws pastels
above and beyond

whatever I think I know
in my shadow

what I like is the smudge
where my face was

light knows nothing
about “the economy”


a brick aloft is having
a conversation with enclosure

a burning breeze
is something to look at

the city an ember
is something to look at


“the wealth of the wealthy
springs from the poverty of the poor”

the song it goes
cops and klan go hand in hand


the gravity of all these suns
and how suffused we all are

to almost appear sheer or disappear
the dead walk the street

that’s my kinda mob
that’s the mob I wanna be


maybe there’s some
question of the number

of petals
or the placement

or definition
of the eye

but I say and sing
that pansy

down with hedges
up with pansies

of all stripes
pansies unite


Alli Warren is the author of Another Round: Selected Poems (Materials, 2021), Little Hill (City Lights Publishers, 2020), I Love It Though (Nightboat Books, 2017), Here Come the Warm Jets (City Lights Publishers, 2013), and over ten chapbooks.

These poems originally appeared in Solo Walks, First 100 Days (RITE Editions, 2020), an artist's book featuring Rumi Koshino's photographs (available here).